Epy Kodiang Not Ready To Be A Director
August 16 - After the big boss, David Teo of MIG to produce a script for the film "Lu, Gua Bro", Epy Kodiang polished talent from the "Raja Lawak" was again entrusted to produce a script for a new film issue of Catalyst Prestige "Kawan Aku Mati Dalam Rumah Sewa"(KAMDRS).
Recently we managed to interview Epy when the preview of the film "Kawan Aku Mati Dalam Rumah Sewa" at Cathay Cineplex, ECurve to share about the new film acting and latest developments.
R: Assalamu'alaikum and how are Epy?
E: Waalaikumussalam, Im good.
R: Epy KAMDRS starred in the film, and is also a script writer for the film. How can you get the idea to do this story?
E: The idea for this film came from David Teo, who wanted me to produce a film script about rental homes that do not involve a lot of locations because we want to reduce the budget cost of production. So what I think of when thinking about it, I tuck comedy-thriller that tells the problems that occur in the home rental and bureaucratic red tape, the tenant of the house itself.
R: Before you make the initial script for this film, did you do research or reference from other films? And how long you take the time to create the script?
E: To create the script for this film, I took inspiration from films such as the comedy-horror "Scary Movie" and several comedy-horror film from Thailand as my reference. The film will feature a scuffle in situations when the audience will see them thinking 'what I wanna do when I was at that time. In the meantime, I only took two months to complete the script.
R: Acting and write the script already done. When will you directing your own film?
E: Hahaha..not yet thought of directing the film because I was still new in the involvement of the filmmaking. Much more I need to learn the ins and outs of filmmaking before I started directing films. To direct this film is not easy because we are a publisher of great responsibility with investments worth millions of dollars. It is an investment and if not have the knowledge you'd better not take the risk, coupled with the state of the local film industry is dim.
R: You always be seen starring in the film but not the drama. You do not even want to act in a drama series?
E: I actually looked forward to the offer to act in a drama, but still have yet to offer to act drama, so at the moment I do anything special that I received.
R: Can you share your updates?
E: Yes, I will come up with three films namely "Gudang Kubur", "Kasutku Kusut" dan "Kaki Kitai" which is my third film as a scriptwriter.
R: Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed!
E: Welcome, and see you soon!
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